Built-In File Sharing
SalesNOW makes it easy to share your files with your team and track your content in real-time.

Load Your Files Easily
You can load important document attachments into SalesNOW directly to the records that they relate to contacts, companies, leads, opportunities, service tickets and more. Just browse for your files from your desktop and load them into SalesNOW. It's that easy.

Upload Pictures Directly into SalesNOW
While at a customer site, take a picture of how your products are displayed on their shelves or how your product is being used at their facility. From SalesNOW, select the module such as contacts or deals that you would like to associate this picture to, and then select add attachment. This will give you the option to select from a previous picture taken or to take a picture now. This picture will not only be stored on your mobile device, but will be uploaded to the SalesNOW website for other members of your team to access immediately.

Access Your Files from Your Device
Store your proposals, product specification sheets and pictures in SalesNOW and access them directly from your iOS or Android device. Simply select your Customer, Product or other module that your document was stored under, and select Attachment from within that module. You will see all attachments that are associated to that customer, product etc. and can select the one that you would like to open. You can now view this attachment on your device and even email it directly to your customer
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team's performance to the next level.