Tailored to Your Business

Always find the contacts and accounts when you need them 

thanks to SalesNOW's custom fields, advanced searches and filters.


custom fields

Custom Fields

Define custom fields within contact and account records to enable you and your team to enter, find and sort the information most relevant to your business. We offer the flexibility to add as many custom fields as you like. We even let you categorize these custom fields. You have complete control over the data that you want to capture and store in SalesNOW.

advanced searches

Advanced Searches

Define custom fields within contact and account records to enable you and your team to enter, find and sort the information most relevant to your business. We offer the flexibility to add as many custom fields as you like. We even let you categorize these custom fields. You have complete control over the data that you want to capture and store in SalesNOW.

custom filters

Custom Filters

We often need to narrow down our customers by specific attributes, such as customer zip codes, industries, and even by information in one or more custom fields. After you have filtered your data using our advanced search capability, you can save your filter so that you can go right back to it at any time.

Start using SalesNOW today and take your sales

team's performance to the next level.